Which Are the Best Breathing Exercise for Stress Free Mind

Follow these 5 great breathing exercise for stress free mind to keep yourself rejuvenated mentally & build a strong, healthy & immune body
Which Are the Best Breathing Exercise for Stress Free Mind

The situation is intense nowadays be it outside the house due to the COVID 19 pandemic, or inside the house due to the suffocating & stressful environment created by the effect of worldwide epidemic. DigiReload brings 5 breathing exercises that will help you lift your mood & keep you fresh, active & happy all day long. 
We take breathing for granted but if we focus on it & be aware of its criticality & meditate upon it, we can reap unimaginable benefits through its power. Here are 5 Great Breathing Exercise For Stress free Mind:

Basic Breath Awareness

Start by focusing on your breath. Sit calmly & relaxed, concentrating on inhaling & exhaling of each breath. Be aware when and why your breath is shallow or what makes it speed up?

  • Gradually your breathing becomes slow. Start with this exercise. Breath through your nose, observe the inhalation and exhalation. Which happens faster? Which is longer? Don’t manipulate them. Just watch. 
  • Continue for 2–3 minutes.

Bhastrika Pranayam

A power boost to your respiratory system, Bhastrika pranayam is beneficial in fighting asthma, cold, fever, cough & other respiratory diseases thereby enhancing your overall body immunity. It is also beneficial in regulating oxygen to every organ & every are of the body.
How to perform Bhastrika?

  • Sit in basic yogasan with legs folded, back & head straight & hands resting on folded knees.
  • You may keep your eyes open or closed as per your convenience.
  • Inhale deeply without moving your head or straining facial muscles. Experience the air filling in every part of your body.
  • Exhale with the same intensity forcing the air out of your body.
  • Repeat this cycle for 2 to 3 minutes in the beginning & gradually increase the session as your practice becomes regular.

Kapalbhati Pranayam

  • Sit in any meditative posture. Close the eyes and relax the whole body. Now, inhale deeply through both nostrils while expanding the chest.
  • Expel the breath with forceful contractions of the abdominal muscles and relax.
  • Do not strain.
  • Continue active/forceful exhalation and passive inhalation.
  • Complete 30 rapid breaths, then take a deep breath and exhale slowly.
  • This is one round of Kapalabhati.
  • Each round shall be followed by deep breathing.
  • It is important to note that there should be forceful exhalation by contracting the abdominal muscles, without any undue movements in the chest and shoulder region. Inhalation should be passive throughout the practice.
  • Repeat this exercise for 3 rounds with 20 breaths each in the beginning.

Anulom Vilom Pranayam

  • Sit in any meditative posture either Sukhasana, Padmasana etc with your spine upright.
  • Start with your right nostril, using the right hand thumb, block the right nostril.
  • Inhale deeply through your left nostril & using the middle finger block your left nostril & exhale through your right nostril.
  • Inhale again, this time from your right nostril while maintaining your hand position. Now use your thumb to block your right nostril & exhale through the left nostril.
  • Repeat for a maximum of 10 rounds. Try to increase the counts of inhalation and exhalation with regular practice. Try to this exercise for a minimum of 3 minutes.

Bhramari Pranayam

  • Sit up straight in a quiet, well-ventilated corner with your eyes closed. Keep a gentle smile on your face.
  • Keep your eyes closed for some time. Observe the sensations in the body and the quietness within.
  • With both the palms facing you, close your ears using your thumbs, each thumb for each ear. Place your index fingers on your forehead. Let the remaining fingers rest on your closed eyes.
  • Now, take a deep breath in and as you breathe out make a loud humming sound like a bee.
  • You can also make a low-pitched sound but it is a good idea to make a high-pitched one for better results.
  • Breathe in again and continue the same pattern 3-4 times.