Which Fictional Technologies Which Will Be Reality by 2021

Upcoming fictional technology in 2020 you will be amazed to know about. Here are 5 speculative technology you wish you had in 2020

Upcoming fictional technology in 2020 you will be amazed to know about. Here are 5 speculative technology you wish you had in 2020


Much like with holograms, we are seeing early models being made that might one day be developed into something resembling the technology we see in the Star Wars universe. Models such as the Scorpion 3, and the Lazareth LMV 496 essentially use drone-like propellers to create a hovering effect. This is, of course, a far cry from the type of tech on display in the movies.

Bionic arms

Bionic prosthetics are a technology that is remarkably close to the movies in real life. In fact, a few current examples were inspired by Star Wars.
Bristol-based prosthetics company Open Bionics creates futuristic-looking bionic arms, which are aimed at making their wearers feel like their heroes from the movies.

Battle Droids

Droids are a staple of the Star Wars saga. There are the cute ones like R2-D2 and BB-8, the smart-ass ones like Rogue One's K2SO, and then there are the Terminator-like battle droids that are prominent in the prequel trilogy. As C3-P0's character famously states, "I've got a bad feeling about this." Maybe we should all have a bad feeling. Robots like, Boston Dynamics' Atlas is showing incredible athleticism, and the field of robotics, in general, is progressing in leaps and bounds, go Google about it!!

Holographic displays

Today, we might not have the capability to communicate via hologram images, though we might be getting closer. One example is the "tactile" hologram pictured above, which was developed by researchers at the School of Engineering and Informatics of the University of Sussex.
“Even though we have yet to match the Rebel Alliance’s communications capability, our prototype has come the closest yet and opened up a host of other exciting opportunities in the process," Dr. Ryuji Hirayama, lead author of the research paper, said in a press release.

Laser Canons

The Death Star is a machine that can destroy planets with a huge laser canon. And laser beams, rather than bullets, are the weapon of choice in the Star Wars movies. Thankfully, we're very far from seeing such a weapon in real life, though laser weapons are being developed.

The U.S. Army’s ATHENA system, for example, can be used to shoot down drones. In 2017, Lockheed Martin signed a contract with the U.S. Army to develop lasers for fighter jets that could take down missiles and, eventually, other jets. The system could be operational by 2021.