Why Content Marketing Is Crucial for Website 5 Reasons

Content is the backbone of any marketing strategy. Here are 5 reasons why digital content marketing is crucial for your digital marketing strategies in 2022

Content is the backbone of any marketing strategy. Here are 5 reasons why digital content marketing is crucial for your digital marketing strategies in 2022 

Social Media Stories Are Replacing Updates

Social media updates are getting old. New generations are leaning towards new social media formats, like live videos and stories. Story-telling is re-defining social media making it faster, more creative and quite ephemeral. Stories live for 24 hours only and contain seconds-long glimpse of people’s lives. The secret of successful social media stories is making authentic content that reflects your personality. This is one of those marketing areas where competitive research might not help. Your social media story content ideation should be driven by your brand’s unique assets.

Semantic Optimization is Replacing Keyword Matching

Google has moved away from exact-match keyword matching. These days they understand context and search intent to be able to deliver results that answer the search query in the best possible way.
In other words, Google has embraced semantic search algorithm that understand users’ needs beyond the exact keyword strings they chose to type (or speak) into the search box

Omni channel Marketing is a Necessity

According to multiple reports more than 70% of consumers use multiple channels throughout their shopping journeys. On the other hand, omnichannel marketing strategy can drive higher engagement and brand loyalty.
So, for a content marketer, making sure your content is findable and available on multiple platforms is key to online visibility and recognisability. In the era when everyone – from independent bloggers to huge brands – has become an online content publisher, you really need to be everywhere to get your content and expertise noticed.

AI-Driven Personalization is Fueling Brand Loyalty

Personalization is driving customer loyalty and buying decisions. Many consumers reveal that, thanks to personalized suggestions, they buy more products they didn’t even think they needed.
This means consumers use traditional search less and less. Their buying decisions are influenced by AI algorithms and personalized recommendations.
As a content creator you can create dynamic email recommendations based on your content readers’ past engagement, such as an ebook downloaded, a link clicked, etc. There are a few affordable email automation platforms available now that can handle these personalized email campaigns for you.

Desktop Browsing is Falling Behind

Mobile browsing surpassing desktop browsing is no news at this point but it doesn’t mean it has stopped being a trend. The growth is unprecedented and it still happening:
•    Mobile Internet usage has grown ~500% in daily media consumption since 2011.
•    Mobile searches surpassed desktop searches back in May 2015.
•    By 2017, mobile devices accounted for 50% of web page views worldwide.
•    Global mobile data traffic is expected to see a ~50% increase by 2021.
On average, US-based Internet users spend around three hours browsing the web from their smart phones (which is more than watching TV). The majority of that time is spent using apps.
To tap most of the clients the content marketer should - 
•    Pick a mobile-friendly theme (and install plugins that ensure faster load time)
•    Structure your content for higher readability on smaller screens (i.e. Use short sentences and paragraphs)
•    Make sure your pages provide a clutter-free reading experience.