What are the Benefits of Responsive Search Ads

In this Google Ads blog, we will learn what is Responsive Search Ads, what are the benefits of Responsive Search Ads, and why responsive ads are better for you

What are Responsive Search Ads?
Responsive Search Ads are the newest addition to Google Ads and the largest, most flexible format for Google search ads. Responsive Ads take most of the stress off your head to write URL-specific title and descriptions for ads, instead, you can create up to 15 separate headlines and 4 unique descriptions for your ad and it will be prompted.

The Responsive Search Ads consists of 3 parts,

  • Three headlines – Compared to the two available in Expanded Text Ads
  • Two 90-character descriptions – Rather than the single 80-character description of ETAs
  • Automatic rotation – Google Ads AI will serve up various combinations of headlines and descriptions, optimizing for best performance over time

Let us now look at the benefits of Responsive Search Ads-

Greater visibility

Responsive Search offers greater visibility as the ads are customized to different user search queries. This results in the ads appearing in more searches for relevant keywords. This not only makes your ad pop up at top spots in the SERP but also increases the chances of a higher conversion rate.

More flexibility

Responsive ads are more flexible than dynamic search ads as they offer more tagging options as compared to the basic ad type. The responsive ads come with Three headlines compared to two, and two 90-character fields for descriptions. Plus with a lot of headline options, you can test your ad with multiple headlines and see which headline fetches the most result.

Optimization through machine learning

Responsive ads use Machine Learning to give you multiple descriptions and headlines upfront. Google can quickly discover the most relevant combinations by understanding which combination is getting you results. If you write all the headlines and descriptions, there are 43,680 possible permutations for the Google Ads AI to play with, which provides incredible scope for testing and optimization.

Better performance

Responsive Search Ads are reportedly better when it comes to performance. With the use of Machine Learning, and Google's multiple headlines and description options, Responsive Search Ads can generate as much as a 15% higher clickthrough rate (CTR) than normal search ads.

Less human error

Unlike Dynamic search ads, Responsive ads use Machine learning to offer the best permutation combination based on the information provided by the advertiser. With the data, Responsive ads are able to perform faster and more accurately than static ads. The scope of human error is also low as the system is machine-based.