How to Create Viral Content in 5 Easy Steps in 2021

Learn how to create viral content in 5 easy steps & let your stuff be found everywhere on the social media networks.

At its core, viral content generates traffic, which generates more shares, which ultimately boosts everything else, like Google rankings and even sales. When it comes to creating any kind of content, whether it be a blog article, a social media post or a video, it is important to bear in mind how shareable it will be.  
How do you make a post shareable and make sure you are ticking all the right boxes?
Here's the answer-



It is far from professional to write a piece of content that is factually incorrect, so it goes without saying it is vital that you do your research when writing any form of content. Readers of your blog will immediately doubt your content and may even vow to never visit your site again, which is the last thing you want. So, when website content writing, double check the facts to avoid any embarrassment.
A rule of thumb would be to consider speaking to an industry professional or someone in the field to provide an exclusive quote, to give their view or some pointers about the topic.

Make it attractive on every front

If you are writing content your audience wants to read, they are likely to share it with their like-minded friends and family, as they believe someone else will receive some value from it. If there is no value to anyone in what you have produced, it is unlikely to become a piece of viral content. 
Therefore, it is important to create content that attracts readers & pushes them to share. When creating viral content, the key is to think about user intent and what kind of posts your audience is looking for – is it informational or transactional? This should help to shape your content marketing strategy and make it clear what is most appealing to your target audience.


When you write viral content for your audience, it is important to make sure it is full of information that your readers want to know. There is no point writing different types of content that isn’t intended for your target audience, otherwise your content is pretty much redundant. Use tools like UberSuggest and Ahrefs to enable you to complete valuable keyword research on the topic at hand. By using these content tools, you’ll be able to see how often your potential topic is searched for, and what other related keywords people are looking for surrounding the subject.


Research from Buzzsumo found that longer content between 3,000-10,000 words – otherwise known as ‘pillar’ content – got far more shares. The key to writing good quality viral content is to make sure it is easy to read and digest, however, this doesn’t always mean writing short ‘cluster’ content. You can utilise tools like Buzz Sumo Content Analysis tool to estimate the length of the content preferred by your readers. Use images, videos & links to keep your audience engaged.