Which Are the Top IQ Boosting Brain Games for Kids in 2021

Want your kid to have an IQ of a genius just by playing video games? Here are the 7 IQ boosting brain games for kids in 2021. Try these for brain exercises too

Do you love mind games? Welcome to the brain games paradise. In this blog, we will talk about 7 IQ boosting brain games for kids in 2021. These games are the best brain teasers you can try to boost your IQ.

These are the best games online you can try not only for fun but also for brain exercises.
Let's start with the 7 "IQ Boosting" Brain Games for Kids in 2021 - 


Energy is among the highly rated IQ boosting brain games for kids and for adults equally. The gameplay is simple and offers a lot of addictive and engaging themes. It is one of the most downloaded brain games for brain exercises too.
The concept is simple, you just have to tap the lines to rotate and create connected loops. The wires will shine when at least one bolt and a lamp are connected through a line.

It's so relaxing that, people having OCD are advised to play it at least once per day to relax their minds and fight anxiety issues. It is one of the best games online you must try for your brain in 2021


NeuroNation is one of the best brain training games online. It has been awarded the Google 'Best Apps' prize. NeuroNation scientifically trains your brain on a daily basis to overcome mental issues such as - weaker memory, dwindling concentration, or thinking too slowly.

With only 15 minutes of training a day on NeuroNation, you can make problems disappear and give your brain new momentum.

That's the reason why it is on our list of best IQ boosting brain games for kids in 2021.


Seeking a series of brain teasers in a mobile app? Lumosity is the best brain game online to put an end to your search. What makes Lumosity one of the best iq boosting games for kids in 2021 is it is more of a mental fitness game, that offers various mental challenges throughout the day.

Lumosity's fun brain training and mental fitness games, tests, and activities are backed by science. Also, Lumosity has a meditation and mindfulness app called Lumosity Mind which can be accessed by premium subscription


If you love playing with numbers, then you must try Sudoku. Sudoku is one of the best iq boosting brain games for kids. It is also considered among the best brain teaser puzzles to train your brain. Sudoku number placement game that relies on short-term memory.

The game is pretty simple but becomes brain-challenging as you progress. To complete a Sudoku puzzle, you need to place numbers in a way that no number is repeated in the row or column, in which the number is placed.

This type of planning helps improve short-term memory and concentration.

Logic Master 1 - Mind Twist

The next iq boosting brain games for kids in 2021 is Mind Twist by Logic Master. It is a game of logic with the most unusual and tricky questions that require a creative approach.

The puzzle contains brain-challenging questions that incorporate the use of memory, attention, and the ability to think in unconventional ways to tease your brain and train your brain.

Logic Master Mind twist is a brilliant and unusual brain teaser puzzle that tests your attention and ability to think outside the box


Elevate is again one of the simple brain training games online. It is available on Playstore and though it's free, but has some in-app purchases. Elevate has a set of mind games that have different modules.

You will have to download each, play, and move ahead. Elevate is centered on reading, writing, speaking, and math. You can customize your training to focus on whichever areas you prefer.

Elevate is one of the best iq boosting brain games for kids in 2021 which also lets you track your progress to see how your skills are improving.


Peak is also one of the most engaging brin games online in 2021. It comes with a lot of brain teasers that help in brain training by working on your focus, memory, problem-solving, mental agility, and more cognitive functions.

So if you are looking for the best game for brain exercise, Peak is one of the brain games you could consider.