What Are the CSS Tips and Trick That Can Help in Web Design

Read to know these insane CSS tricks that will prove helpful in web designing. What Are the CSS Tips and Trick That Can Help in Web Design

The following CSS selectors are considered workarounds and hacks for specific web browsers.

Hacks For Web Browsers

IE 6 and below
* html {}
IE 7 and below
*:first-child+html {} * html {}
IE 7 only
*:first-child+html {}
IE 7 and modern browsers only
html>body {}
Modern browsers only (not IE 7)
html>/**/body {}
IE8 (how to write CSS properties)
height /***/: 190px9;
Google Chrome
:first-child + html
body:first-of-type p {}
Firefox (all version)
These hacks target all versions of Firefox:
/* Target all Firefox */
#selector[id=selector] { color: red; }

/* Target all Firefox */
@-moz-document url-prefix() { .selector { color: red; } } 

/* Target all Gecko (includes Firefox) */
*>.selector { color: red; }
Firefox 1.5
This hack targets Firefox versions 1.5 and newer:
/* Target Firefox 1.5 and newer [!] */
.selector, x:-moz-any-link, x:only-child { color: red; }
Firefox 2 & older
These hacks target Firefox 2 and older:
/* Target Firefox 2 and older [!] */
body:empty .selector { color: red; }

/* Target Firefox 2 and older */
#selector[id=SELECTOR] { color: red; }

/* Target FireFox 2 and older [!] */
html>/**/body .selector, x:-moz-any-link { color: red; }
Firefox 3
This hack targets Firefox 3 (and possibly newer):
/* Target FireFox 3 [!] */
html>/**/body .selector, x:-moz-any-link, x:default { color: red; }
Recent Opera versions 9 and below
html:first-child {}
How to Apply Hacks
If you want to add 10px; padding to a div element called #rightpanel specifically for IE 7, then you can use the following hack:
*:first-child+html #rightpanel {
padding: 10px;
want to apply the padding just for IE 6, then its as following way:
* html #rightpanel {
padding: 10px;